see video tutorial:
If you want to map with a mouse, connect a cabled USB mouse before booting.
“Autostart” into “Mapper” with an USB mouse connected to get everything working.
If you use an IR mouse, you need to use an IR Keyboard to control the mapper, CP will not work.
Keyboard keys: 1,2,3,4,a,v,b,m,n,l,k,5,7,8,9,0
Use a Video resolution of 1280 x 720 and a video containing an audiotrack (even silent).
If the mapped video stutters, decrease the bitrate (see section: Content Creation) and resolution or wait until it played a few times.
If its hard to map due to lags, simple hit the pause button in CP to get more ressources for precise mapping.
There is an “Advanced Mapping Tricks” section in this manual
01 - 04 => Opens a stored mapping preset
01 - 04 => Saves a mapping preset
Select one of the available functions in Mapping mode
See video tutorial here:
Set to? => Check to which mode the mapper is set to
Sender => Set the mapper to be master
Receiver => Set the mapper to be receiver
After selecting receiver, you need to reload the mapper, this can be simply done with reopening your preset.
Resolution must be 1280 x 720 and there should be only one video file in Mapper.
We figured out that the slaves might need a reboot after approx. 15h playback.
No sync for slideshows.
Launch => Launches the mapper which is compatible with the seperate remote app
Launch => Launches the mapper with slideshow function (no sync or softedge in this version)
Images may be maximal 1920x1080pixel 72dpi
2s - 15s => Set the slideshow time
Native => Set the aspect ratio of the images