This section is for recording and playback DMX, ArtNet, sACN and remote controlling via OSC, Midi, UDP or DMX
see video tutorial:
Art-Net is able to drive up to 4 universes.
The other protocols (DMX, sACN…) are nearly unlimited.
Keep in mind not to address universe 15, since this universe is reserved for remote controlling the PocketVJ and is excluded for example from dmxblackout or dmx recording functions.
To Autostart into an OSC / ArtNet / UPD listener mode, select under AUTOSTART => OSC/ARTNET/UDP

Start => Start OLA, this is necessary to activate DMX, ArtNet, sACN
Open Panel => Opens the seperate control panel to create Universes
Daemon on => Enables ola always when PocketVJ boots, (turn off when not used!)
Daemon off => Turns off ola and the olad daemon
DMX Remote¶
Create the remote listener on universe 15.
If you send control commands via ArtNet over RJ45 make sure not to be connected via Wifi and having a DMX Monitor in the browser open, since this would give you a loop and will end in weird behavior.
DMX Remote ON => enables the DMX remote control on Universe 15
DMX Remote OFF => disables the DMX remote control on Universe 15
find the remote commands here:

Stop Recording => Stop Recording
REC Show => Record Show
REC Show01 will record on Universe 1-14, Universe 15 is reserved for the remote. If you need to record more universes there must be made a modification, write me an email!
Change to 1 => change all recorded tracks to Universe 1 (this will be deprecated soon! its better to have a flip OLA in/out function)
1.0 Entry field => Here you enter the delay time in seconds.milliseconds until the audio/video starts
Set Delay => Set the entered delay time
The delay will be used for all recorded shows the same, if you need them separate, write me an email
ArtNet playback is limited to 4 Universes by firmware and can not be extended.
If ArtNet somehow does not playback on your hardware, make a factory reset on the PocketVJ, this might fix some issues.
Show01 => Plays DMX Show01
Show01/01_Audio => Plays DMX Show01 together with 01_audio.mp3
Show01/01_Video => Plays DMX Show01 together with 01_video.mp4
ArtNet/DMX Remote Control¶
1 128-255 `/var/www/sync/stopall`
See all commands here:
Autostart to OSC/ArtNet/UDP
You can also use any ArtNet node. I successfully tested with Eurolite dxt series Node IV.
Make sure to use the right IP address in your node, somtimes the node must be restarted to take the IP change.


Start Listen => Starts to listen for OSC commands on port 9876
List of OSC commands:
Download TouchOSC => Download the TouchOSC layout contributed by Cornelius Henke:

To send OSC from your computer, you can use

There are many tools on the market which can send OSC commands. For example OSCulator or QLAB.
Make sure you are not blocked by a firewall if the command does not get through to the player!
To send OSC commands under Debian Linux from terminal(sudo apt install liblo-tools):
oscsend 9876 /pause
or sendosc for all platforms:
sendosc 9876 /testscreen
see video tutorial:
List of Midi commands:
You can add more Midi commands yourself in /var/www/sync/midicontrol.cfg or kindly ask me to add the features you need.
This is new function, not very tested yet, but should work as expected.
When hitting Record it will record all incoming midi signals and on play it should playback them. Currently only working when your usb-midi device is on number:20 , should be on default if no other usb thing is plugged in.