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I dont get an IP address from the PocketVJ

=> Be patient, try again.

If this does not help, read further in this section, it might get a bit complicated…


Sometimes there are power peaks which can cause that the Wifi signal is not strong enough. Known are some issues with Hdmi to VGA adapters with old VGA devices who suck a lot of power. Also after plugging in some USB sticks. If there are many wireless devices in the room, change the wifi channel, since most units use channel 6 as standard.

Wifi constantly connecting/disconnecting

If wifi connection gets often lost, its a good idea to change the wifi channel to CH11. Go to NETWORK SETTINGS, select CH11 and reboot.

Not able to connect CP via browser


Some browsers force a https:// connection, which is not possible on PocketVJ and will cause trouble to not be able to connect.

If you try to connect the CP via webbrowser and get an error like this:


then all you have to do is to remove the https:// in the addressbar:


Not able to connect CP via browser (2)

There is an edge scenario when the PocketVJ looses power while playing DMX Sequences causing the webserver (lighttpd) not to run anymore. To fix this, access it with ssh and do following

sudo mkdir /var/log/lighttpd
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/lighttpd/
sudo service lighttpd start

To check if the webserver is now running without errors

sudo service lighttpd status

Not able to connect CP via browser and not getting any IP from wifi connection (Broken System)


Do not try to fix the SD card with a Windows or OSX computer, it will completely break your system!!

In rare cases, when you poweroff or reboot the PocketVJ while there are still things playing (especially mapping sync or dmx shows), it gets a read/write error on the internal SD card. There is no other way to fix this than opening your PocketVJ (with a 2mm Allen key on the backside) and remove the sd card:

  • Now you need to have computer with a Linux OS

  • If you do not have a Linux computer, download an Ubuntu live Image (, flash it to an USB Stick ( and boot this live image),

  • As soon as you booted into a Linux/Ubuntu system, insert the PocketVJ SD card to your cardreader

  • Open a programm called “Gparted” (its availabe on most Linux Live Images)

  • There select the SD card in the top right corner, right click the partion list, select “Check”

  • In the toprow click the chekmark sign ✓

  • Its no checking and repairing the sd card


Finally eject the sd card, put it back into the PocketVJ and boot it, everything should again work as expected


With this method you will keep all your settings, IP address and remote access address

Whipe and repair SD card from Scratch (Broken System)

If you tried the above scenario (and its really worth to follow this first) and you could not bring back your system, the last resort will be to reflash the SD-card with a fresh PocketVJ image.


This will delete all your setting, reset the IP address to and remove the remote access feature!

1.) Download Balena Etcher ( or any similar image flashing tool 2.) Download the PocketVJ Exhibition image: 3.) Flash the downloaded image to the SD card.



To change the ip address to something else than 100, execute following command (the last number can be changed to any in the range between 100 - 254)

/var/www/sync/network_host 110 m

To restore the remote access, you would need to have the openvpn credentials or create your own.

Trouble connecting to Wifi Hotspot (vj100) with a Windows Computer

If your Windows10 does not allow to connect to the PocketVJ wifi (vj100), following steps might help:


or this one:



Movie plays, but stutters

=> Check if it is really a h.264 compressed movie


there are great tools to convert a move to h264 (never use the Adobe stuff, its slow, proprietary and bad quality) use

=> Go to SYSTEM SETTINGS click Powersupply and check the message.


Old powersupplys might not bring enough current, or your PocketVJ is overheating, it will be writting in the CP Output.

Movie is not playing

  • Make sure that there is no space or special character in the filename and it is not longer than 16 characters, my_video_file.mp4 not: my video file.mp4.

  • Make sure your video is converted with the h264 codec (this causes in most cases the error)

  • Make sure your video data is in the correct folder (/media/internal/video/).

  • Make sure your PocketVJ is not configured to ‘Slideshow’ mode.

  • Make sure audio output is set to HDMI/Jack if there is no external soundcard connected, otherwise it will search for the ALSA device and will not start.

USB-Stick does not work anymore on my computer => Plug it back into the PocketVJ and Click UNMOUNT in the control panel.

Make sure to always mount and unmount your USB devices!

Connected several PocketVJs over a router

  • Check the Gateway settings of your router, in original mode the PocketVJ runs in

Remote “Power On Projector” does not work

  • Login to projector, enable PJLink, disable all passwords

  • Under Service, enable DDDP and set the Crestron control IP to:

  • make sure the Projector has following network info:



Default Gateway:

DNS Server:

  • make sure the computer which is connected to the PocketVJ CP is not connected to second network, for example RJ45 in your local network and wifi to PocketVJ, if this is the case, unplug rj45 until it finds the projector, then you can plug it in again.

  • Get a list of standard passwords for projectors here:

  • Some projectors have broken firmware and can not be remotely powered on, test with other hardware before blaming me (sometimes powering off works!)

Audio quality is Bad, Audio glitches or stutters

  • Make sure audio compression is not higher than 160kp/s

  • Make sure you enable only one output: e.g. audio jack or audio HDMI, not both!!

Special Functions

Nearly everything is possible ;)

Open an issue on github and your desired function it will be available on the next update ;)

If you are in a hurry, you might drop me a donation to get things coded fast…